What to feed our pampered pets!

What to feed our pampered pets!

The old adage “you are what you eat” applies just as well to pets as it does to us. For this reason, providing a good quality diet is one of the most important things we can do as owners. Some pet foods could be considered the equivalent of junk food, while home...
Don’t be a bunny and give your pet chocolate!

Don’t be a bunny and give your pet chocolate!

Easter is here and my children cannot wait to enjoy some yummy chocolate eggs. There will however be NO Easter eggs for my two Cavaliers Charlie and Lola, as chocolate is a life threatening toxin to pets. Chocolate poisoning is caused by the methylxanthine alkaloids...
Gastroenteritis in Dogs

Gastroenteritis in Dogs

Gastroenteritis is commonly seen in puppies and adult dogs with vomiting and/or diarrhoea being the typical signs. A very common cause of gastroenteritis is dietary indiscretion. This includes eating spoilt left overs, high fat foods or raiding the garbage. Feeding...
Does your dog need a New Year Diet?

Does your dog need a New Year Diet?

Does your dog or cat need to go on a diet as its New Years resolution? The disturbing fact is that 30-40% of pets are overweight. When in ideal body condition you should be able to feel your pets ribs easily and see a definite ‘waist’. Certain breeds such as Labradors...

Hyperthyroid Disease of Elderly Cats

Hyperthyroidism is a disease of older cats caused by excessive production of thyroid hormone. The cause is usually a benign overactive thyroid gland located in the neck area and is seen in cats typically ten years of age or older. Thyroid hormone has particular roles...
Have you heard about Ear Disease in pets?

Have you heard about Ear Disease in pets?

One of the medical conditions we see on a daily basis at our vet clinic is a dog with an ear problem. The pet usually presents with a sore or smelly ear caused by an infection. Occasionally this may progress to a large swollen ear flap known as an Aural Haematoma. Ear...